So, apparently I eat all wrong. My host family likes to make fun of me because I eat my salad or bread after my dinner. They eat both of those at the same time as their dinner. Then they were appalled that I peel oranges with my hands and not a knife. It's just not as efficient with a knife! Spanish people peel all of their fruit, so they also think I'm strange when I eat a pear or apple with the skin on it still. Most things are not eaten with your hands. I had to eat my sandwich today with a fork and knife, which wasn't bad because it had a fried egg on it (tasted really great too! grilled cheese with fried egg, lettuce, and lunch meat). Everyone here uses that kind of milk that you don't have to refrigerate until it's opened. I guess fresh milk is really expensive, so everyone just stocks up on three months-worth of milk and drinks that instead. Not necessarily drinks I guess, because only children drink milk here. Adults usually only put it in their coffee.
The food in all the restaurants is very similar. They serve lots of "bocadillos," a little sandwich with dried meat, kabobs, and potato omelettes. "Paella," a rice stir fry with seafood in it, is really popular as well. On Monday for lunch my host family cooked Fabada, one of the most common meals in the region. It's a soup with potatoes and lentils or rice, and whatever meat they have leftover. It was pretty good! besides the chorizo (spanish sausage). Everything is just so different!
But apple skin is the best part.....